Walt Disney World is such a magical place for people of all ages! Each age brings its own challenges for getting the most out of a Walt Disney World vacation, and toddlers are no exception! You’ll want to think about planning your day around the good routines you’ve already established at home, like nap times and snack times, and remembering that toddlers don’t always have the words to express how they’re feeling, so they might still have some high emotions after a day, or even a few hours, of seeing and experiencing new things!
- Look for quiet, shady spots to take a break from the sensory overload and have some water and a snack.
- Even if your toddler NEVER uses a stroller, rent or bring one. The average guest walks over 10,000 steps in a day visiting Walt Disney World, and a small child easily takes 2-3 steps for every adult step! Strollers also offer a shaded seat for a tired, overstimulated child.
- Take advantage of misting fans, splash areas, playgrounds, and play fountains to inject a little “normal play” into the day!
- Take a break! This can be an afternoon break at your resort. Leave before anyone is cranky, mobile order or make your own lunch in your resort room, and take a rest (yes, even the adults!) and a short swim before heading back around 4-5 pm, when many others are leaving the park for the day. On a longer trip, build in a “rest day” for every 3 days in the parks. Play at the hotel pool, do a little shopping and eating at Disney Springs, or spend a few hours at a waterpark.
- Give yourself grace. When the meltdown happens, which it will, know that it’s normal and no one is judging you! Your little one is taking in so much in a new place with so much to see around every corner, and it’s hard work learning that much. Find a quieter spot away from crowds, offer a snack and some water to your little one, and take some deep breaths…it’s all going to be OK!