Traveling around the holidays can be stressful! Here are 10 holiday travel tips sure to help you travel smarter around the holidays.

1. Book flights, hotels, rental cars early
If you want to get the best options, book early! Prices don’t tend to go down much as a holiday gets closer, so holiday travel is one of the times where booking early will get you the best availability and the best pricing. The holidays are not a time to hit the road without hotel reservations, as many hotels book up with people staying close to family or on their way to the destination. And don’t wait to book your rental car for the holidays. If the prices go down, you can cancel and rebook, but car rental agencies have been known to sell out over the holidays.
2. Book early flights
I know, it’s a huge pain to wake up at 3 am to get that first flight out of your local airport, but those first flights are the ones least likely to be affected by delays. The later you fly, especially at the holidays, the more likely you are to be delayed, so consider that painful 5 am flight anyway!

3. Travel on the holiday
Most people prefer to be at their destination before the holiday, which means that flying on the day is both cheaper and easier! The airports are still fully staffed, but with about 50% fewer passengers than the days leading up to the holiday. Consider combining this with tip #2 and flying early in the morning on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day for the least stress possible at the airport.
4. Book your house sitter or pet boarder ASAP
While you can always change your plans by a day or two, pet care professionals are especially busy over the holidays, so the earlier you reach out to book their services, the better.

5. Reserve airport parking
With so many more people traveling over the holidays, everything about the airports is busy, including the parking! If at all possible, reserve your parking ahead of time so you’re guaranteed a spot. Not able to reserve ahead? Be sure to arrive at your preferred parking area 45 minutes to an hour ahead of time. If that lot is full, you may be able to ask the booth attendant for tips on back-up parking plans!
6. Plan for holiday closings
While I love to take advantage of tip #3 and we often fly or drive on Christmas Day, we have also learned to plan ahead. We’ve ended up at some pretty seedy places that were the only food option open Christmas Day, and almost ran out of gas because so many gas stations were closed! If you’re driving, be sure to fuel up when you can, not when you need to, and take advantage of the food options at the gas station so the two-hour wait for a Waffle House isn’t so painful. If you’re flying, make use of airport restaurants and shops despite the high prices, since you’ll likely find even fewer options open when you leave. Make a reservation for an open restaurant when you arrive so you know you have somewhere to eat, or call your hotel to confirm that their dining options will be open. Sometimes, you have to get creative: once, when checking in on Christmas Day to a beach resort in Florida, we made a lunch reservation for a buffet restaurant at a Walt Disney World Resort, despite not staying there or even visiting. We were able to fill our bellies which was helpful later when almost everything in the beach town was closed.

7. Allow extra time for travel
Since it seems that almost everyone is on the road or at the airport, almost everything takes longer. Airport shuttles, security, and the lines for food will all take longer than usual; traffic will slow down your car trip even in unlikely spots, and lines for gas pumps and bathroom stalls are likely. If you plan for those delays, they aren’t as frustrating when they happen.
8. Fly with unwrapped gifts
If you are packing gifts on your flight, pack them unwrapped and bring your wrapping materials with you. It’s quite likely that wrapped gifts will have to be unwrapped, so save yourself the time and hassle and bring a gift bag and some tissue paper and wrap your gifts at your destination!

9. Travel light
If at all possible, travel with only a carry on at the holidays. Luggage systems are especially crowded during the holidays and can really slow down your trip, and it’s common for a bag to be delayed or lost around the holidays. If you must check bags, I highly recommend using a tracker (I personally use AirTags). That way, you can see immediately upon landing if your bag made it to your destination. If it’s still in another city, you can skip the baggage claim belt altogether and head straight to the baggage customer service office, where they will get your address to bring your bag to you; you won’t need to return to the airport to get it.
10. Prep your car
Before you set off on your holiday road trip, check your oil, tires, brakes, and windshield fluid. Make sure you have an ice scraper, an emergency kit and some blankets with you, and if you don’t already have roadside assistance insurance, consider purchasing it. Cold weather brings the possibility of ice and snow on your travels, so it’s a good idea to be prepared with a small shovel in case you need to dig out a bit!
If you follow these holiday travel tips, your trip is sure to be less stressful and more fun! Ready to plan your holiday travels? It’s not too late! Schedule a 15-minute call to get started.